Terms and Conditions

Welcome to kingit!

Terms and Conditions These rules explain how to use the kingit Website, which you can find at https://kingit.online/.

When you visit our website, we think you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t want to follow all the rules on this page, don’t use kingit.

The terms below apply to these Rules and Privacy Policy and all Contracts: “Client”, “You” and “Your” mean you, the person who logs onto this site and agrees to our rules. “The Company”, “We”, “Our” and “Us” mean our Company. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us” refer to both you and us. All these words talk about the offer, okay, and payment needed to help you in the best way to meet your needs for our listed services. This follows the current law in pk. When we use these words or others in single, plural, capital letters, or he/she or they, they mean the same thing.


We use cookies. When you visit kingit, you agree to use cookies as stated in kingit’s Privacy Policy.

Most websites that you can interact with use cookies. This helps us get your info each time you visit. Our website uses cookies to make certain parts work better and to make it easier for people to use our site. Some companies we work with for ads might use cookies too.


Unless we say otherwise, kingit or the people who let us use their stuff own all the smart property rights for everything on kingit. We keep all these smart property rights. You can look at stuff from kingit for your own use, but you have to follow the rules we set here.

You can’t:

  • Put out stuff from kingit again
  • Make money by selling or renting kingit’s stuff
  • Make copies of kingit’s stuff
  • Share kingit’s content with others

Some parts of this website let users share their thoughts and info in specific areas. kingit doesn’t check, change, or approve Comments before they show up on the site. Comments don’t show what kingit, its workers, or partners think. They show what the person who wrote them thinks. As far as the law allows, kingit won’t be responsible for the Comments or any Terms and Conditions, damage, or costs that happen because of using, posting, or showing Comments on this website.

kingit can check all Comments and take down any that break the Terms and Conditions, seem wrong, or could upset people.

You promise that:

  • You have the right to post Comments on our site and have gotten all the needed permissions;
  • Your Comments don’t step on anyone else’s ideas or creations, like copyrights, patents, or trademarks;
  • Your Comments don’t have mean, false, rude, or illegal stuff that might invade someone’s privacy;
  • You won’t use Comments to try to sell things, push businesses, or do anything against the Terms and Conditions.

You give kingit permission to use, copy, change, and let others use, copy, and change any of your Comments. This applies to all types of formats and media. This permission isn’t exclusive meaning you can still give the same rights to others.

Linking to Our Stuff

These groups can link to our Website without asking us first:

  • Government groups;
  • Search engines;
  • News groups;
  • Online directory makers can link to our Website just like they link to other businesses’ sites; and
  • System-wide Approved Businesses, but not charity fundraisers non-profit groups, or charity shopping centers. These can’t link to our site.

These groups can link to our main page, articles, or other website stuff as long as the link: (a) isn’t tricky in any way; (b) doesn’t suggest we sponsor, endorse, or approve the linking group and what they sell or do; and (c) makes sense on the linking group’s site.

We might say yes to other link requests from these kinds of groups:

  • well-known places people go for consumer and/or business info;
  • dot.com community websites;
  • groups that speak for charities;
  • online directory makers;
  • internet gateways;
  • money, legal, and advice firms; and
  • schools and trade groups.

We’ll give the green light to link requests from these groups if we think: (a) the link won’t make us or our trusted businesses look bad; (b) the group doesn’t have any dirt on their record with us; (c) the link’s visibility makes up for not having kingit; and (d) the link fits as general info.

These groups can link to our home page as long as the link: (a) isn’t tricky in any way; (b) doesn’t hint at us backing or okaying the linking group and what they sell; and (c) makes sense on the linking group’s website.

If you’re one of the groups mentioned in paragraph 2 above and want to link to our website, you need to let us know by sending an email to kingit. Make sure to include your name, your group’s name how to reach you, and the web address of your site. Also, give us a list of any web addresses you plan to use to link to our site, and a list of the pages on our site you want to link to. It’ll take about 2-3 weeks to hear back from us.

Groups that get the okay can link to our Website like this:

  • When you use our company name; or
  • When you use the web address you’re linking to; or
  • When you describe our Website in a way that fits with the stuff on the linking site.

You can’t use kingit’s logo or other art for links unless we have a deal about using our trademark.


You need to get our okay first, in writing, if you want to put frames around our web pages that change how our Website looks.

Content Liability

We won’t take blame for stuff on your website. You need to protect us if anyone complains about your site. Don’t put links on any site that look bad, illegal, or mess with other people’s rights.

Reservation of Rights

We can ask you to take down all or specific links to our site. You agree to remove these links right away if we ask. We can also change these rules and our link policy whenever we want. If you keep linking to our site, you’re saying you’ll follow these updated Terms and Conditions.

Taking down links from our site

If you see a link on our site that bugs you, feel free to let us know. We’ll think about taking down links if you ask, but we don’t have to do it or get back to you about Terms and Conditions.

We don’t guarantee that the info on this website is right, and we can’t promise it’s complete or accurate. We also can’t assure you that the website will always be up and running, or that the stuff on it will be kept current.


We don’t promise anything about our website or how you use it as much as the Terms and Conditions allows. But this disclaimer won’t:

  • stop us or you from being responsible for deaths or injuries;
  • stop us or you from being responsible for lying or tricking people;
  • limit our or your responsibilities in ways that aren’t allowed by law; or
  • remove any of our or your responsibilities that the law says we can’t get rid of.

The Terms and Conditions and limits on liability in this part and other parts of this disclaimer: (a) depend on what we said before; and (b) cover all responsibilities from the disclaimer, including those from deals, mistakes, and breaking the Terms and Conditions.

We won’t be responsible for any kind of loss or damage as long as you can use the website and its info and services for free.